jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

history of one of the transports of Bogotá

In 1967 there were in Bogota 2.679 buses which transported 1.629.254 passengers, on average, per day.At this time, when the city was a little more than one million inhabitants and had 8,000 hectares, the service was relatively reasonable and comfortable. But as the city grew and reached more than five million inhabitants and more than 30,000 hectares extension, not only substantially increased the fleet to more than 20,000 vehicles, but anarchy, chaos, inefficiency, discomfort, and pollution were multiplied.From the 1960s until the 1990s, transport borne, in the vast majority of private, anarchic way of entrepreneurs, uncomfortable, expensive and unsustainable and, since the mid-1980s and, above all, at the end of 1990s, making crisis.This crisis is the result of the simple expansion of the city, the increase of the population and the fleet maintained the road infrastructure of the time.By the end of the 20th century the situation was critical. There was a true system of urban public transportation that could serve as an alternative to the private car - which encouraged even more use - and the city recorded low levels of competitiveness in Latin America and an unsatisfactory quality of life for the vast majority of its inhabitants.The administrations of mayors Andrés Pastrana (1988-1990) and Jaime Castro (1992-1994), as well as the first of Antanas Mockus (1995-1997), made proposals to solve the problem of public transport, with limited results. It was during the mayoralty of this last when persistent talk of the possibility of establishing a system of mass transport that contributed to remedy the problems of mobility in Bogota.el Mayor Enrique Peñalosa (1998-2000) included in its programme of Government, as a priority project, offer a solution to the problem of public transport to the city. Consequently, in the implementation of the plan of development by the Bogotá that we want in terms of mobility and in a concrete way to the mass transit system project, determined the construction of a special infrastructure of specific and exclusive to your operation, from stem brokers specialized, equipped with single-use Rails, stations, bridges, bike paths and pavilions for special pedestrian accessdesigned to facilitate the use of the system to the user.As a result, and based on the studies carried out during the first term of Mayor Antanas Mockus by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which determined that the metro was not the most desirable short-term option, as only fifteen or twenty years it would take a line and that its cost was ten times greater than the alternative of articulated busesdecided, as the solution to the problem of public transport the creation of the TransMilenio system, based on four pilar:respeto to life, represented in a comfortable, safe and modern service.Respect to the time of the people, with a transportation system that meets minimum standards of quality in terms of itineraries and travel time.Respect for diversity citizen, as was to become a transportation system in which converge the different social classes without preferences of any kind and, on the other hand, equal treatment.International quality, complying with the minimum requirements specified by the transport engineering to provide a comfortable, safe and effective service.After quite a few disadvantages, including opposition from some Councillors and businessmen of transport, the Council of Bogota approved the project for the creation of the system by the 04 agreement of 1999, which authorized the Mayor, on behalf of Bogotá D.C., to participate jointly with other entities of the district order in the Constitution of the company of transport of third Millennium, TRANSMILENIO S.A., given on 13 October 1999 as a society by actions, in the form of joint-stock company of a commercial nature with public contributions.TRANSMILENIO S.A. is the management body of the system, the entity responsible for coordinating different stakeholders, plan, manage and control the delivery of the public service of urban mass transport of passengers, and is responsible for the efficient and permanent provision of the service. So as of December 18, 2000, opened the first route which began operations with 14 buses between the streets eighty and sixth by the troncal Caracas. During this period the trunks surrendered: Autonorte Calle 80 and Caracas.En the second period of administration of Mayor Antanas Mockus (2001-2003) included in the Bogota development plan to live all on the same side, the goal of reducing by 20% times of displacement of people in the city and the priority projects were three new stem mass transport: Americas, NQS and Avenida Suba.Durante administration of current Mayor Gustavo Petro, entered to operate the backbones of the Eldorado Avenue and the race 10th.The system currently 115.5 km track in trunk in operation, 11 main line in operation, 131 stations, 9 portals and 9 yard garages. Mobilizes on average 1.926.985 daily passengers covering 30% of the demand for public transport to Bogotá. In addition system has its service 9 cicloparqueaderos with 2.187 posts in total. Safe, comfortable and accessible spaces for all persons who use the bicycle as a formal alternative transportation for daily mobility. The benefits of the TransMilenio system for the city and its inhabitants are undeniable: there is less pollution and more safety; sectors of the city that were very damaged; were markedly improved the accident rate decreased, is reduced travel times and improved the quality of life of all citizens.Integrated system of transport groupware part of the mobility Master Plan, the chart of the city on the issue, establishes the structuring of the new integrated system of public transport of Bogotá (SITP), as an instrument which guarantees to improve the quality of life of citizens, optimizing service levels for journeys carried out in the city. The SITP is a system organized and composed of different transport services (urban, special, complementary, trunk, feeder and other modes of transport which will be implemented) seeking the effective coverage of transportation in Bogota.en the same line which at the time meant the introduction of the TransMilenio system, today established itself as a world leader in the field of mobilitySITP from a gradual and controlled implementation, will change the history of the city guarantees the 100% coverage in the provision of the public transport service, will integrate the operation and tariff, will generate benefits for particular populations, technologically adjusted current fleet, will have a unique means of payment via smart card and manage whereabouts established for the arrival and departure of passengers, among other aspects. TRANSMILENIO S.A., as an entity of the district, is the managing body of the SITP and must ensure its operation to meet the demand for public transport in the city of Bogotá with quality, efficiency and sustainability D.C.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hello Caro Good research, I you congratulate

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. yes, we did not have before so updates means of transportation and are now modernized

  2. culture change transportation in Bogota?

    1. yes, we did not have before so updates means of transportation and are now modernized.
